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Thank for your interest in joining our services. Let us provide an overview of our services and how your business can benefit from advertising with us.

What is Respond Investments?
We are an on-line marketplace connecting purchase ready consumers with quality local businesses. We have built an internet-based marketplace place that enables consumers to find, hire, and refer local businesses. Currently, we support over 300 different project types that customers are interested in pursuing; and, we add to that list every day.

Get The Right Leads, In The Right Area, At The Right Time…
Our pay-for-performance business directory provides actionable sales leads to advertisers. You can choose their service area (national, state, city, and zip code), project categories and establish leads filters based on specific criteria (i.e., buyer budget, timeframe, etc.). We provide advertisers with clicks to their website and leads to your email, phone, etc. All advertisers receive leads; however, clicks to your website is optional.

How Does Respond Investments work?
When you join our service your business purchases a business listing to be in our directory, as well as our lead network. Buyers search the internet looking for service providers and we include your business listing in a localized directory pages so that buyers can then review your business and customer testimonials written about your services. A buyer then submits their information directly to your business or to our network of service providers.

Why Should You Advertise With Respond Investments?
Respond Investments provides a risk-free, performance-based advertising solution. Unlike the Yellow Pages or Local Newspapers we send you qualified leads based on the type of business you want to pursue, in your service area. With traditional sources of advertising you are paying for exposure, with Respond Investments you are paying for performance-based results.

What Are The Costs?
In order to participate in our pay-for-performance business directory you are required to have either monthly or annual business listing subscription (either $14.95 / Month or starting at $149.50 / Year ). The cost per lead and click vary based on the project category. Our lead fees range from $3.00 (Pet Sitting) to $40.00 (Custom Home Builders), and our suggested click fees range from $.50 (Event Catering) to $4.00 (Mortgage Re-Finance). You control the amount of money you spend every month with us by setting your advertising budget.

How Do I Get Listed With Respond Investments?
To get your business listed with Respond Investments, simply click here or for more information on getting started, please feel to contact us at 866-NET-LEAD (638-5323).