Lawyers for Felonies in New York NY

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Lodi NJ ... also serves: New York NY

Major and minor criminal prosecutions with special emphasis in drug cases; Complex civil litigation, including disputes relating to wills and estates,... more

Lynbrook NY ... also serves: New York NY

We are are law firm with more than 75 years of combined experience in helping our clients with their legal needs.

New York NY

Attroney, Van Brown uses his background as a former New York City Police Detective in various areas of legal practice along with his down to earth manner... more

New York NY

The office focuses on criminal, divorce and personal injury cases. Michael Conroy has 12 years of trial experience including homicides and white collar... more

Hackensack NJ ... also serves: New York NY

Ms. Savy Grant specializes in real estate law and criminal law. Real estate closing begin at only $750. I handle buying, developments, building & renovations... more

Westwood NJ ... also serves: New York NY

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