Dallas, TX Financial Planners
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LX Parker Wealth Management   With Service In Dallas, TX

In 2022 Business Insider rated our founder, Courtney Leffall, as one of the Top 7 Private Bankers in America Under 40. In 2023 when his prior firm, Silicon Valley Bank, collapsed he recognized that the best way to protect and serve clients going forward was to launch independent firm, LX Parker Wealth Management.

We are an independently owned and operated boutique wealth management firm dedicated to helping our clients retire early and successfully through sound investment management and comprehensive financial planning. 
J&S Partners Inc.   With Service In Dallas, TX

Founded: 2001  J&S Partners was founded by Joe Koessl and his son, Steve Koessl in 2001 with the sole purpose of helping individuals and families plan for their retirement and financial planning needs. Joe has a successful history since 1970 of being in the financial services industry. He completed military service as an officer from 1968-1970 at the Snelling Army Air Defense site in the Twin Cities and then Joe started his career in Appleton, Wisconsin with the Lincoln Financial Group. Steve has been in the financial services industry for 19 years. Prior to establishing J&S Partners, Inc. he advised a number of highly respected corporations, foundations and public pension plans, such as 3M, the Knight Foundation, and the Minnesota State Board of Investment. Joe retired in 2016 and resides in Edina, MN with his wife Vicki. 
Four Oaks Financial LLC   With Service In Dallas, TX

Founded: 2014  When collaborating with my office, you'll discover that our approach strives to strike a harmonious balance between your immediate income needs and your long-term wealth-building aspirations. We take into careful consideration your investment objectives, risk tolerance, tax considerations, family dynamics, and philanthropic aspirations.

Upon thorough examination of your objectives and a comprehensive understanding of your current financial landscape, I collaborate with you to formulate actionable recommendations, solutions, and strategies. Once a plan is established, we commence the implementation of these actions and strategies.

I continually monitor the performance, risk profile, investment style, and management of your investments and strategies. Regular communication is essential, and I ensure ongoing discussions to assess results, address any concerns, and provide answers to your questions, offering you peace of mind throughout our journey together. 
LPL Financial LLC   With Service In Dallas, TX

Founded: 2008  At the Jal Dennis Group, our clients are looking for a financial steward - an experienced advisor who will partner with them and serve as their advocate and guide on the path to pursuing their goals. Our focus is on long-term planning, not securities transactions. Our planning process is collaborative and requires your input every step of the way to ensure your goals and interests remain front and center.

As independent advisors, we focus solely on serving your needs and acting in your best interest at all times. This provides you with the confidence you seek to pursue financial independence on your terms. 

Good Life Asset Strategies, LLC   With Service In Dallas, TX

Founded: 2012  Good Life Asset Strategies advisors are fee-only financial planners who have a duty to place your interests above all others. Our firm offers the personal attention and expertise you need to truly live the good life. We provide financial planning, investing, and retirement strategies you can trust. 
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GDS Wealth Management   With Service In Dallas, TX

Founded: 2017  At GDS Wealth Management, our goal is to provide clients with highly personalized and attentive financial advice, coaching, and administrative support. Our experienced team of local financial planners is proud to offer the families and individuals we serve both the credentialed guidance and expertise needed to help you reach your lifelong financial goals.

Helping manage your wealth is highly personal, and we take this task very seriously. As investment advisor representatives, we work alongside you, focusing not only on the management of your finances but also the role these decisions play in the grander scheme of things.

We strategically formulate investing services for high net worth into your plans and goals, taking careful consideration at each step to ensure you're happy with the plan. At any point along the way, changing or fine-tuning the investment strategy to better accommodate your goals is always your choice. 
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Ascent Capital Partners   With Service In Dallas, TX

Founded: 2017  Meaningful business relationships require real connections. As such, when managing a family's money, it's not enough just to have our interests aligned with our clients. As a Fiduciary, we aspire to foster a genuine, human connection built on trust and the desire to help families prosper.

We handpick our partners and clients. Each of our family relationships is long-term and extremely valuable to us. We do our best for people that we have authentic relationships with.

We don't subscribe to cookie-cutter investment strategies. Our process relies on implementing innovative, high-level investment strategies normally inaccessible to most. We custom-tailor our process to our clients' unique needs and always keep their best interests in mind.

Your family is unique - we are too. We offer specialized advisory services that offer access to complex financial planning strategies and private markets for those, such as entrepreneurs and medical professionals, who would benefit from alternative thinking.

Innovation in financial advisory means being at the cutting edge of opportunity. From public stocks to pre-IPOs, Venture Capital, Growth Capital, Real Estate - Hedge Funds, we help our clients responsibly diversify their portfolios into dynamic alternative investments. 
Krishna Wealth Planning LLC   With Service In Dallas, TX

Founded: 2019  Krishna Wealth Planning LLC is an investment advisor firm located in McKinney, Texas. We serve clients both in the Dallas area and virtually across the country. Our primary aim is to help our clients live their best possible lives in the present while securing a better future. 
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JMG Wealth Management   With Service In Dallas, TX
Founded: 1998  At JMG Wealth Management, I take a client's needs approach. Everyone is different for what they are trying to attain. I listen to what my clients disclose to me and research for them how to best reach their objectives. I have been securities licensed since 1995 and insurance licensed since 1998. My 20 years of experience in both the securities arena as well as the insurance arena helps my clients address these needs. As of today, November 2021, my 200+ Clients have entrusted me with their assets in excess of $22M.

My objective is to educate my clients and explain what my recommendations are and why. I want my clients to walk this journey with me and be involved. One thing that has always been a precedent of mine is finding a solution for my clients. I believe in finding the "square peg that will fit in the round hole." This method allows me to research for my clients and find the best case scenario for each of them rather than a "cookie-cutter approach." It is the challenge of this business and what I look forward to everyday. I assist my clients in the areas of asset management as well as insurance needs, if the need exists. If you are looking for someone that will explore the full financial arena for you or to manage your assets then give me a call. 
Cantrill Financial Group LLC   With Service In Dallas, TX
Cantrill Financial Group LLC is an independent fee based holistic planning and wealth management practice serving clients in the North Texas area. Our professionals stress the fundamental principles of education, accountability, and total coordination of wealth management services. Our business philosophy is to treat each client like they are family and to empower them to make educated choices that fit within their goals, aspirations, or personal lifestyle. 
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