Frequently Asked Questions

What is ProcureAPro?
How does ProcureAPro work?
Does it cost anything to use ProcureAPro?
What is the ProcureAPro Mission Statement?
How do I rate a business?
Why is the ProcureAPro Mission Statement so important?
When will I receive responses to my request?
Do I have any obligation to Providers that respond to my request?
Do you guarantee the Providers in ProcureAPro?

What is ProcureAPro?
ProcureAPro is the business marketplace of RESPOND, a community of buyers and sellers with 2.5 million members. Since 1999, business professionals have used our marketplace to find and procure products and services for their business. Today, businesses can find everything from Employee Background Checks to Voice over IP Phone Systems

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How does ProcureAPro work?
ProcureAPro is a marketplace for purchasers and providers of business products and services. It increases the efficiency of each by providing a forum to communicate, share information and conduct business. Like all successful marketplaces each member (whether a purchaser or provider) has certain rights and obligations as expressed in the ProcureAPro Mission Statement.

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Does it cost anything to use ProcureAPro?
ProcureAPro is absolutely free to purchasers. It's supported by providers who pay a nominal fee to participate. ProcureAPro works because providers know that purchasers are qualified and ready to buy offer more competitive quotes and pricing.

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What is the ProcureAPro Mission Statement?

  • Purchasers commit to respecting each Provider's time and expertise by being straightforward about their buying intentions and responding in a timely manner to legitimate communications from ProcureAPro Providers.
  • Providers commit to providing a timely and professional response to Purchaser requests and providing outstanding service to ProcureAPro Purchasers.
  • To ensure that ProcureAPro remains a positive experience for all members, ProcureAPro commits to removing any Provider that repeatedly violates the ProcureAPro Mission Statement.

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How do I rate a business?
To rate a business, please click on Business Ratings. Provide your impressions of the service received, using specifics and facts to illustrate the experience. Detail the company's ability to meet and/or exceed your expectations. Discuss the pros and cons of using this business. You must be registered with ProcureAPro in order to submit a rating.

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Why is the ProcureAPro Mission Statement so important?
ProcureAPro works because members agree to the ProcureAPro Mission Statement. At its most basic level, it requires all members to respect the time and expertise of others. Providers, Purchasers, even ProcureAPro have responsibilities that are clearly stated and understood.

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When will I receive responses to my request?
Each Provider has agreed to respond to requests in a timely manner. Obviously this will vary as some requests may be more complex and involve more research in order to answer properly.

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Do I have any obligation to Providers that respond to my request?
There is no obligation to purchase from any ProcureAPro Provider. All we ask is that you respect the Provider’s time and expertise as outlined in the Mission Statement.

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Do you guarantee the Providers in ProcureAPro?
By agreeing to the ProcureAPro Mission Statement, Providers have agreed to supply timely and professional responses to purchaser requests. They further agree to provide outstanding service to ProcureAPro members. While we cannot guarantee the quality of the products or services offered by ProcureAPro Providers, we continually work hard to recruit and retain top-quality businesses. Obviously, it’s part of our commitment to ensure that you have a great experience with our service.

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