
How Does It Work?

Describe your needs below to get matched to Businesses in your area.
Start date *
What is the start date of your event?
  View Calendar
What is the end date of your event? *
  View Calendar
How many guests will be attending? *
Will these guests need overnight accomodations? *
Event type *
What type of event is this for?
Number rooms *
Number of meeting rooms and exhibit halls needed:
Indicate any multimedia requirements you have: *
CD Player
Laptop / Computer
Laser Pointer
LCD Projector
Overhead Projector
Projection Screen
Slide Projector
Indicate needed catering / food services: *
Morning Break
Afternoon Break
Evening Reception
Dinner Buffet
Seated Dinner
Location *
Service Location:
ZIP Code:  -- OR --
Contact Information:
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Day Time Phone:* ()-x
Evening Phone:  ()-
Best Time:*
Comments or Details: 
Need Additional Services?
Please select any other services that you need help with finding a quality local business:
Audio Visual Services
CD Duplication and Replication
Charter Buses
Multimedia Authoring
Printing Companies
Trade Show Display
Have up to 4 Meeting Facilities Businesses contact you with special offers, custom packages, & availability

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IT'S FREE! We do not charge you to submit requests through our web site.
NO OBLIGATION! You are not required to hire anyone that responds to your request.
PRIVACY! We do not resell your information to any third party marketers.

How Does It Work?

Tell Us What You Want
  • Service Type
  • Location
  • Budget

Businesses Providing Meeting Facilities Are Evaluated To Match Your Needs
  • WiserAdvisor, using its proprietary technology, pre-screens Businesses who provide Meeting Facilities to match your needs

You Pick The Best
  • Request quotes, read reviews, and compare Meeting Facilities Businesses